Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Crucible Quiz #1

Hello Everyone. It's time for the first ever Crucible Quiz. Vögelchen has used one of his opera connections (more on this in later blog entries) to help construct this first question. You may use as many lifelines as you want to answer this question. You may even call Terry Allen. So, here it goes: 

Robert Ward's The Crucible premiered at New York City Opera (NYCO) in 1961.  Two of the performers who created roles in The Crucible were American opera singers who gained renown, in part, through their influential portrayals at NYCO of roles in two earlier American operas (from the mid-1950s), Carlisle Floyd's Susannah and Douglas Moore's The Ballad of Baby Doe, operas which, like The Crucible, are also still performed today.  Who are those singers, what roles did they create in The Crucible, and what was their signature role in either Susannah or Baby Doe, respectively?

The winner of this week's quiz will, well, I'm not sure what they will win, but I will think of something eventually. You can put your answers in the Comments of this blog, or you can email Vögelchen at jonathanburdette67@gmail.com


  1. As a tech-savvy opera-phile, using the internet and reading Robert Kolt's book "Robert Ward's The Crucible" I am posing the following as answers to the Vogelchen's excellent question thusly:
    Norman Treigle, who was the Reverend John Hale in The Crucible and the Reverend Olin Blitch in Susannah.
    Frances Bible, who was Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible and Augusta Tabor in The Ballad of Baby Doe.
    Whew, whether right or wrong, I've learned something from you tonight!! Keep up the good work, Master Blogger.

  2. I have no time for all of the work that Judy has done above, but I will call Terry Allen and get back to you ASAP.
